The Personal Is Political
As a queer feminist a lot of my work is about identity, thinking specifically about systems of power, violence, oppression within my communities and own personal narrative. While I started this series in2017, 2020 has profoundly influenced how I process and digest news. A lot of my work this year has been expressly reactive to current events, memories of similar themes, and what this means for our ourselves and communities.
Ideas of trauma, repair, and identity are found throughout my pieces. I explore and abstract ideas through materials and intuitive marks which bring forth issues of dissonance, dichotomy, and balance. Tension is a theme both physically in the way I navigate and explore materials and metaphorically in the larger ideas of inequity, trauma, and body politics I grapple with throughout my work. I’m interested in creating visual disruption and conversation as I play with materials in unexpected ways, trying to push my own understanding.